About the Teen Mixer
- Language is identity, improve your Shona/Ndebele skills through our conversation classes
- Live online classes with regular face to face catch up (for all states/territories).
- Meet other teenagers, share stories and make friends!
- meet and connect with other teenagers
- practical knowledge to Zimbabwean identity/culture.
- have fun while learning through activities, games, songs, quizzes and storytelling
- insight into various Zimbabwean customs, traditions, and values
- gain confidence in their use of Shona/Ndebele vocabulary
- improve language proficiency
We offer lessons that provides student three levels of proficiency:
Elementary Proficiency: At this proficiency level, a students can form basic sentences, including asking and answering simple questions.
Time Required: 6-12 months continuous LangDentity lessons
Limited Working Proficiency: Students at this level can handle basic work commands and social phrases. They can carry on limited casual conversations and discuss their personal life. Students at this level still needs help with more extensive conversations in the language. They can only operate independently in basic conversations.
Time Required: 12-18 months continuous LangDentity lessons
Working Proficiency: Students at this language proficiency level can make contributions to discussions, have conversations with clients, and carry out most tasks requested of them. A person at this level can speak at a normal speed in the language and has a fairly extensive vocabulary. They likely still have an accent at this level and probably require help understanding subtle and nuanced phrasing.
Time Required: 18-30 months continuous LangDentity lessons